Sunday 3 April 2011

The investment bag - Cambridge Satchel Co

Being a bargain-hunter, with a penchant for a certain type of style that I like to call 'charity shop chic', there are few satorial items on which I would blow £85. Indeed I only stretched to £250 for my wedding dress, which was, of course, second-hand or 'pre-loved' if we are to use the current preferred euphemism.

But even I, a magpie on a budget, recognise that some things are worth the investment. Things that will last a lifetime, retain their value and grow old gracefully.

These very justifications for the purchase of 'it' bags see women part with hundreds and thousands of pounds for arm accessories - and me the slightly smaller sum I received for my first Guardian piece.

My 'it' bag of choice is the vintage-loving fashion bloggers' favourite - a handmade, leather satchel from the Cambridge Satchel Company.

Having seemingly been around since satchels were the sole preserve of school children, the brand owners must not be able to believe their luck now the practical geek pieces have become 'must-have' fashion accessories. They probably thank the Lord for Alexa Chung and her awkward school boy guises each morning.

But, judging by their 1990s-style website design and functionality and the charming presentation and packaging of my bag, all the attention hasn't gone to their heads.

My satchel, in my favourite colour - grass green, conveniently conforms to this season's colour pop trend, and apparently attracted a compliment on its first outing - missed during a public micro-argument with the husband, who kindly informed me afterwards when we were friends again.

The leather is hard and rigid at the moment, giving the colour a brashness perfect for summer, but give it a few years of constant companionship and it'll soften, with cracks and quirks familiar only to me.

If we're going on cost per wear, I think this one will pay for itself before the year is through.


  1. Hi Jo-ann,

    Your article is great, I'm always looking for 'vintage' and I'm finding that blogs are a great way to discover new stuff. I agree the style of satchel really looks retro.

    Love it.

    I also noticed an that there's an error in your copy though. I found it because I was considering the Cambridge Satchel Co as a supplier for my shop until I noticed that the official company registration database shows that the UK The Cambridge Satchel Co. was formed in England in 2008, the domain was only registered in 2007, so I guess the clunky 'old style' website is just to trick us into thinking it's an old leathercraft company when really it's a new brand trying to create a history.

    Anyhow, take care, Sarah x

    PS I'll keep an eye on your future posts.

  2. Very interesting - thanks Sarah. I thought they were a company that had been around for years.

    Also, if you're interested in vintage, you should check out my other site

    Thanks again for your comment.


  3. Hi, I found your blog by searching for the cambridge satchel company on twitter. I also recently ordered a green satchel, but I believe they sent me a fluorescent green batchel instead. Would you say that the color green in the photo is true to life? I'm trying to figure out if even the regular green would be too vibrant to carry to work.

    Thanks for your help!

  4. Hi Katie,

    yes, the photo is a pretty good representation of the actual colour - it's pretty bright! Bit of a statement bag...


  5. Thanks! They definitely sent me a fluorescent green batchel instead of a regular green stachel!

  6. Glad you went with the green in the end, the black (like mine) was playing it a bit safe. Enjoy. Hate to tell you this and gloat, however, but I've since been adding to my collection again too... (see post: ).

    Anyway, you're welcome to come out on an out-of-town jumble sale/boot fair mission with me one weekend now I've got my car back on the road. And I do also swap many of my finds amongst friends; bottles of red wine always gratefully received. Come try on that blue coat.

  7. Yes please to a jumble sale road trip and the coat offer :-) Let me know when you're next going on a hunt.

  8. I love your satchel, can't wait until mine arrives!!

  9. Sorry folks but the Cambridge satchel company is a mod con as it were , see their story ...2008 look at Zatchesl and the legal dispute between the two and then look at The real deal!!! 1960
    s and still at it. They also offer a five year gurantee with it... worth looking for the real crafts men and then it really will last you a life time. Nice touch that the inside of the leather has been died too ... well I guess I will leave you to ponder the atributes of fake 80's satchels and those really from the 60's when the Beatles were around and people did actually use them ! Have childhood memories with your satchel... Nylon gloves on a long string to thread throgh your arms of your coat and learnng to play Star Wars on the recorder ... Jim'll fix it and if not Noel Edmunds would Swap it for you!
