Yes, there's a lot of crap to sift through, but the gems make it worth putting in the time (and I admit I do pop in or at least have a gawp in the window most days on my way home from work).
Recent finds include a Fred Perry cobalt blue jumper dress for a fabulous fiver, this 1970s coffee set for £2.50 and a Midwinter side plate - just 50p!

So, keep it quiet, but listen up...The charity shop is located on Bedford Place, Brighton, just a few streets along from Waitrose if you're heading towards the sea, and sells an ever-changing variety of second-hand furniture, clothes, crockery, books and CDs. Look hard enough and you're bound to find some mid-century gems.
Amazing finds!
I used to live around the corner form there and picked up a few bits but haven't been lately...thanks for reminding me! I'll be popping in on my way home from work tomorrow :)