Who would have thunk it; Brighton has it's very own team of Morris Men, whom I came across when putting out the recycling this evening. Adorned with beards and bells, the group were smacking sticks and waving flags in time with a violin and accordian outside The Iron Duke.

As my dad used to be a Man of Morris himself, much to my mother's bemusement - "he was a hippie at university then suddenly we had moved to Yorkshire and he was wearing bells and running up fells" - and my hometown sees droves of soot-faced dancers flock to its streets for the Holmfirth Folk Festival each year, I had to go down for a bit of foot tapping.

Apparently, the Brighton Morris Men play from St George's Day til September every year, after which they meet each Thursday evening at the Hanover Centre, Southover Street, to practice. Check out their dance programme here.

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