'New year, new you' - possibly the most over-used message peddled by the media, retailers and any one trying to sell you anything in January. Well, I don't want a new me thanks - I'm pretty good as I am. So when it comes to fashion, in 2012 I am going to continue to:
[This is my serious clothes-swapping face]Wear black skinny jeans, even though I ‘shouldn’t’. A stylist this year told me that skinny jeans on those with hour-glass figures can make carrots of legs, as we carry most of our weight on our thighs and hips - not the best look perhaps. Yet while I can appreciate that this may be technically true, they're just too versatile to give up. Topshop's Baxter jeans are a real time-saver when it comes to throwing simple outfits together in the morning.
Invest in discount designer pieces. As
I've written about previously, I'm all about investing in designer bargains on members-only sites, at pre-loved designer sales and via good old eBay. Much more likely to hold their value and great outfit focal points, my favourite designer bargains of 2011 were a Mawi skull pendant (£40 - Cocosa), Luella silk top (£45 - Rag Trade Sale) and lace detail T-shirt (£15 - eBay) and Alice by Temperley black lace dress (£62 - Cocosa).
Stock up on staples. It seems I can never have enough basic black tops, black cardigans or tights, as well as the aforementioned black jeans with which to pair colour pop pieces. I've experimented with many different looks over the years but am now, in my late 20s, leaning towards the sleek and simple Scandinavian-inspired aesthetic - hence the
Monki lust. Although that's not the say the bold print dresses won't be making their usual appearance in the summer.
Rummage through people's left-overs. I don't think my love of charity shops, car boot sales and flea markets will ever wane. The thrill of the find is somewhat addictive, always a good talking point, and, most importantly, you can pick up unique pieces that no one else will be wearing at bargain prices - how would that ever get tired?
Clothes swap. Even better - if you can imagine - than the above is clothes swapping. Free clothes, yes FREE! I resolve to acquire yet more free clothes next year, and the year after that, and... you get it. But it'll be hard to beat the Marc by
Marc Jacobs sun dress I snapped up at Brighton's first vintage and retro swish.
What are you going to continue to do in the new year?Photo by Anj Daskarolis